
I was going to create an account on and I forgot that I had an old account with them, called

I had uploaded 7 design’s that I created over 13 years ago. So, I have added 4 of them to My Designs page.

The Libby App

Meet Libby. Discover and enjoy ebooks and audiobooks from your local library.

All over the world, local libraries offer millions of ebooks and audiobooks. You can borrow them — for free, instantly — with a library card and Libby: the award-winning, much-loved app for libraries.

Go to Play Store to download the app, just type in Libby.

I have been using Libby for about a year now. All you need to do is add your library card number, and if you don’t have an account with the library, go and get one. You are able to read books, magazines and listen to audio books for FREE. You can use it on your phone, computer or tablet.

I couldn’t find the Photoshop magazine here locally from the newsagents. And I would have to venture into town (scary). So, I found it on Libby and I can read it from my phone (yay).

All for now…

(never give up)

Going mobile

That’s what I love about WordPress, I am able to sign into my site from my phone. So if I’m out and about and I have a idea for a post or something else, I can use my phone and update my site.

I would recommend WordPress to anyone, who is building a website. It’s very easy to use, and there is millions of themes out there, that you can use for your site.

It takes about 5 minutes to install wordpress, anyone can do it. And some web hosting services are charging £40 to install it for you, which is ridiculous. You can do it yourself and save money, well that’s all for today.

Stay happy…

Freezing out there

I had to go down the falls road and pick up my prescription from my doctors. It’s -3 outside, we have some frost here and the snow has melted, but I think more snow is on it’s way.

On my new mini pc it has windows 11 Pro installed on it, I would say this is the best windows (Operating System) yet that I have used.

I have a laptop with windows vista on it, it’s about 15 years old. I can only surf the web on it or watch movies or listen to music, it won’t run any games.

That’s all for now…

Cead Mile Failte

Say hello to my little friend…

I bought this on Amazon for £400 pounds, my old pc was 15 years old, and was dieing. I came across this mini pc, it might be small, but it’s very fast.It has a Ryzen 7 CPU, with 32 gig of ram, a 1TB SSD harddrive and a 3 gig video card. It can be used for light gaming. It also comes with windows 11 pro installed and it takes about 30 minutes to setup.I was having problems with the sound, I couldn’t get it to work. I checked all the drivers and they where fine. But, I figured it out in the end, and it works fine.

This is the first time I have used windows 11 pro, it has a built in help system which is very cool. Say you have a driver problem, you type that in the search bar, and it will search for you and ask your permission to install a new driver, I would definitely recommend it, and it’s so easy to use.For £400 pounds it’s a cool little machine, for anyone starting off in computers, this would be grand. Before I came across the mini pc, I was saving up to buy a pc that I found on the dell site, it was £1,500 quid.

This mini pc is just as fast, the only difference was the graphics card on the dell one, which was 8 gigs. So I saved myself £1,100 quid (yay). So, if I need to play any demanding games, I will just use my playstation 5.